Are Bees Attracted to White

Are Bees Attracted to White

Bees are one of the most important insects on Earth as they are responsible for pollinating plants and ensuring that our food supply is secure. Bees are well-known for their attraction to bright colors such as blue, yellow, and purple, but many people wonder if bees are attracted to white as well. Additionally, beekeepers often wear white protective suits when working with their hives, and some people wonder why this is the case. In this article, we’ll explore whether bees are attracted to white and the reasons why bee suits are white.


Are Bees Attracted to White?

While bees are generally more attracted to brighter colors, studies have shown that they are still attracted to white flowers, particularly those with a pattern or texture. White flowers that have a dark center, such as daisies, chamomile, and yarrow, are particularly attractive to bees. These flowers are not only white, but they also have a distinctive center that contrasts with the rest of the flowers, making them more noticeable to bees.

However, it is important to note that bees are more attracted to other colors such as blue and yellow because they are more visible in the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum, which bees can see but humans cannot. Flowers that have UV-reflecting patterns or markings are particularly attractive to bees as they provide a visual cue that leads the bee to the nectar and pollen inside the flower.

Why Are Bee Suits White?

Beekeepers wear protective clothing such as bee suits when working with their hives to protect themselves from bee stings. Bee suit consist of a jacket, pants, gloves, and a veil that covers the face. The reason bee suits are white is twofold.

Firstly, bees are less likely to sting something that is white. Bees are sensitive to dark colors, particularly black, which they associate with predators such as bears and skunks. Wearing a white bee suit can reduce the chances of getting stung as bees are less likely to perceive the beekeeper as a threat.

Secondly, white bee suits reflect sunlight, which helps keep the beekeeper cooler while working with the bees. Bees are sensitive to heat, and a beekeeper who is too hot can agitate the bees, making them more likely to sting. The reflective quality of white bee suits helps to keep the beekeeper cool and calm, reducing the chances of any disturbance to the bees.


While bees are generally more attracted to brighter colors, they are still attracted to white flowers, particularly those with distinctive patterns or textures. Bee suits are made white to reduce the chances of getting stung and to keep the beekeeper cool while working with the bees. Bees are a vital part of our ecosystem, and we must understand their behavior and take steps to protect them while working with them.